
Deborah Sommer
Assistant Teacher - Infants
I love getting to watch them grow and se them as they move on to the toddler and preschool classes.
Dawn Davis
Infant 1 Assistant
I was born in Canada.  I have been in Georgia since I was 5.  My father was a lumberjack/hunting guide. We moved to Georgia, and I have been here all my life it seems. I voted at 64 for the
Maddie Caneup
Infant 2 Lead
I am extremely grateful for my team and all the children I have had a chance to work with.
Lexi Todd
Lead 2s Teacher
As a lead teacher, I am devoted to creating, engaging and a safe environment where children can explore and grow.
Ashlynn Brown
2's Assistant
I am committed to encouraging creative expression among students and aiding in the cultivation of their academic and social skills
Brittney Toney
Deneice Young
3A Lead
I love teaching new skills!
Addison Brannon
3B Assistant & ASP
I work with the older 3’s and the Afterschool Program classroom.  I love kids and being able to work at RGA.  Currently I go to Georgia Northwestern Technical studying to be an ultrasound tech. I am a part of a
Mia O’Brien
3s Classroom
I love my classroom!