
Brandon Ogden
Owner / Operator
Prior to RGA, I worked at Kennesaw State University for 15 years as an administrator. I am a huge Johnny Cash fan and enjoy spending time with my teenage children.
Connie Tympanick
I am Connie S. Tympanick, the director of RGA. I have been in the education field for over 30 years. From teaching in preschool, elementary school, middle school and high school and director of two other preschools.
Beth Fetter
Curriculum Coordinator and Front Office
I studied Art at Georgia State University
Nikki Hanson
Front Office
Having the opportunity to be a part of a child’s early development is such a blessing and I enjoy every second of it!
Stacy Henderson
Lead Teacher - Pre-K (B)
I have been a GA Pre K Lead at RGA for 8 years. I graduated from Reinhardt University. I live in Jasper, GA with my husband. We have two grown children who are 21 and 25.
Keely Thomas
GA Pre K Lead
I am married with two children, ages 6 and 3 1/2. I taught Physical Education in Florida for 9 years before moving to Georgia...
Jessica Ross
GA Pre K Lead
My name is Jessica. I work full time as a GA Pre K Teacher and music teacher at River Green Academy. After being engaged for...
Aimee Brock
GA Pre K Assistant
Crystal Todd
RGA Kitchen
When I’m not caring for your little ones I am outdoors!
Brie Perry
I have lived in Canton for 6 years. Working with children is my passion, I love my job and working with the little ones....
Kobi Sims
Crystal Crowe
Infant 1 Lead